Membership : Labels/Distributors

We provide B2B Membership to Labels & Distributors. Free Music Distribution For Labels

Labels & Distributors Membership :

- Free Unlimited Music Distribution
- Up To 90% Royalty 
- Your Label Name On Platforms
- Sub-Label Membership Under Your Label
- Unlimited Artists
- Customize Caller Tunes
- 24*6 Mail Support
- Royalty & Analytics Dashboard
- All Indian + International Platforms
- Lyrics distribution Options
- Facebook/Insta Profile Linking
- Free ISRC & UPC codes (Your ISRC Acceptable)
- Keep 100% Copyright
- Approval within 24 hours

All the Label & Sub-Label members will get a Dashboard for Unlimited Uploads and Analytics of Released content.

For Membership, Please fill correct information of your Label

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Your message has been sent successfully, We hope to respond within 24 hours. Saturday's and Sunday's are Non-Working Days. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!