Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy given below describes how we treat user information that we collect on/via

Contact Information : We might collect your name, email, mobile number, phone number, street, city, state, pin code, country and IP address. We don't share your information to anyone.

Payment & Billing Information :
We might collect your name, billing email, mobile number, official phone number. We never collect your debit/credit card number and it's expiry date on our website. Card info will be obtained and processed by payment gateway only.

Third Party Sites : If you click on one of the links to third party websites, you may be taken to websites we do not control. This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of those websites. We are not responsible for these Third party sites.

Refund Policy

This policy is subjected to refund

 • Service Fee for all the plans/services (One Time, Monthly plan, Quarter Plan, Half Yearly Plan and Annual plan), once paid by Person/Company, will not be considered for Refund.

• However, in exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis, the Director may permit refund of the fee with the approval of Chairperson, TKD Committee/Admin.

• Cancelation and Refund is not applicable through website or any other media. However, you can Contact our representative and sort out the service in future.

Terms & Conditions

This website ( is offered to you by True Knock Digital (TKD).

Acceptance of Terms of Use: By accessing or using this website you agree to be legally bound by the Terms of Use and all terms and conditions contained or referenced herein or any additional terms and conditions set forth on this website. If you do NOT agree to all of these terms of use, you should NOT access or use this website.

Modification of Terms: These terms of use may be amended by True Knock Digital legally at any time. Such amended terms of use shall be effective upon posting. By continuing to access or use the website after such posting, you will be deemed to have accepted such amendments. You are advised to regular review any applicable terms and conditions. Other True Knock Digital websites or platforms may have their own terms of use which apply to such website or platform.

True Knock Digital reserves the right to discontinue or make changes or updates with respect to the website or the content of the website at any time without notice. True Knock Digital reserves the right to restrict, refuse or terminate access of any person to the website or any part thereof effective immediately without notice at any time and for any reason whatsoever at its sole discretion.

You shall be solely responsible for your own content and the consequences of submitted the content to True Knock Digital.

Limitation of Liability : True Knock Digital nor its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, licensors and suppliers shall have no liability for interruption or omissions in internet, network or hosting services and do not warrant that the website or the services which make this website available or electronic communications sent by True Knock Digital are free from viruses or any other harmful elements. In no event shall True Knock Digital or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, licensors or suppliers be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, special or incidental or other damages resulting from, arising out of or in connection with the access, use of, or inability to access or use this website, the content, even if True Knock Digital has been advised of the possibility of such damages except to the extent such damages arise directly and solely from willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of True Knock Digital.

If you live in a country or state that does not allow any of the foregoing exclusions or limitations of liability or any of the disclaimers or warranties in above clause, such exclusions or limitations will not apply to you but only to the extent such exclusions or limitations are not allowed. In such case, such exclusions or limitations shall be limited to the extent required by applicable law.

Copyrights : Copyright and all other proprietary rights in content provided by True Knock Digital, its affiliates, subsidiaries, partners or suppliers, the software to operate and publish the website, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics, all belong to True Knock Digital and/or its affiliates, subsidiaries, partners or suppliers. All rights in the content not expressly granted herein are reserved. The use and registration of True Knock Digital is exclusively reserved to our organization. You may not register nor use a company name, statutory name, tradename, domain name or other name, indication or description, of which True Knock Digital name or any name similar thereto or any name which consists of a part of the True Knock Digital name forms part nor shall it include any other registered Firm owned by True Knock Digital or its subsidiaries and affiliates.

If any provision of these terms of use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be replaced by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remaining provisions shall be enforced. No failure on the part of True Knock Digital to enforce any part of these terms of use shall be constitute a waiver of any of True Knock Digital’s rights under these terms of use and only a specific, written waiver signed by an authorized representative of True Knock Digital shall have any legal effect whatsoever.

Copyright Infringement: If any of the material contained in or displayed by the website appears to be in violation of copyright owned by you or the party that you represent please inform True Knock Digital of such apparent infringement at the earliest possible opportunity using the information in the “contact us” section of this website.

Changes to this Policy: From time to time it may become necessary to make changes to this document. It is recommended that you check this page from time to time to keep yourself apprised of any changes. Alterations made to this page are deemed to be binding 14 days after they are posted here. If you object to any of the changes made, please desist in your use of the site and notify True Knock Digital of your objections.

Copyright and Copyright Violations: All rights, title and interest in all materials which are capable of protection by copyright or other intellectual property right are the property of True Knock Digital or its contributors unless otherwise stated. Any violation of copyright by Site users will result in the immediate suspension and/or termination of account, services and/or agreements. True Knock Digital will prosecute any such breach to the fullest extent of the law.

Suspension and Termination: True Knock Digital reserves the right to suspend or terminate these Terms, your Account, and your access to the site and the Service at any time without notice.

True Knock Digital may terminate the Term for any reason, including but not limited to if we reasonably believe that you or any of your Recordings or other content have violated this Agreement or the terms and conditions of any Digital Store, that you or your Recordings infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity, if we are told by any Digital Store or reasonably believe that Digital Stores will not accept your Recordings or other content specifically or categorically, or that you are otherwise abusing our Service or any Digital Store or engaging in fraudulent or illegal activity.

If the Song/Album is rejected due to Audio or Artwork issues (not in format), you will not get any mail/notifications because we have already mentioned in terms regarding Artwork and Audio format. Users have to read the terms before uploading. Also apart from official website, we have mentioned the terms and norms on our social platforms.

If any Copyright Violation or Copyright Strike or Claim occur in future on any of the released song by True Knock Digital, We "True Knock Digital" will not be responsible for that and Label/Artist associated with that content should be responsible for that. All the details provided by our mail team are under True Knock Digital's policies and terms.

For holidays and other updates, click & follow us on - INSTAGRAM 

Note : 1) We will not takedown the song after publishing for at least 6 months.
For Example : If the date of release is 30 June 2023, takedown will be done after 6 months that is after 31st Dec 2023.
2) Approval time will be 24 hours to 72 hours. Approval means review of content, doesn't mean that content will be live in 24 or 72 hours.
3) TAT - It takes 2 days* to 7 days* to be live on platforms. Few Platforms take more than 5 to 7 days*.
4) Caller tunes/Hello Tunes will activate in 5 days* to 9 days*.
5) Saturdays and Sundays - uploading the content on servers of platforms will be closed. (Suppose, your release date is 10th, better is to give content on 2nd or 3rd of the same month. Means 7 days* prior)
6) Holidays - Saturdays, Sundays and other government/national holidays (Holidays will not count in TAT).
7) Audio duration should be minimum 1 Min. And should be in (.wav) format.
8) Album Artwork should be 3000*3000 pixels and contain only Content and Singer/Artist Name. If not in given format, we will not continue the distribution.
9) Artist/Singer name on Artwork should be same as given name of Singer/Artist above.
10) For Explicit Content, Caller Tune is Prohibited. 
11) Minimum Royalty Should be ₹300/- or $7 to transfer from dashboard to your account.
12) Dashboard will be provided to only verified members (Labels/Artists/Distributors)
13) TDS of 10% will be deduct from gross Royalty amount as per Income Tax dept Norms and policies. You can can claim TDS back on your account from IT Dept. while doing the file return.
14) To get Label Membership, min of 10 original songs should be require in the starting to verify the Label and their originality, just to avoid the frauds and scams. And the same applies for the Artists Dashboard.
15) To get Artist Dashboard, min of 10 original songs should be released via TKD (from our company). After releasing 10 songs, contact to our team (via Contact Form) and apply for Artist Dashboard while mentioning all the 10 songs with your name, team will verify and give you dashboard after verification and registration. Follow the process as per guidelines.
16) Every Label and Artist have to generate the invoice once you received the royalty payment in your bank. If any member/user/label/artist will not send back the invoice of amount which we send to them, we will hold the next royalty and will cut penalty every month for late invoice or receipt.
17) Do not upload songs without reading the terms on this page. We are not responsible for anything.

For holidays and other updates, click & follow us on - INSTAGRAM